What is Energy Healing?
We, as embodied humans, are constructed of energy as One with the Divine. We all have the intrinsic God given ability to heal ourselves. Blocked energy within the body creates stress, pain and dis-ease. Healing begins when emotional or physical energy blocks are removed and free energy flow is restored. Archangel Raphael, the Master Healer, partners with the Universal Source who I refer to as God, Angels and Spirit Guides to restore perfect health in alignment with your Soul journey.
Archangel Raphael: Healing AngelArchangel Raphael is an angelic being who utilizes the Emerald Green Healing Light to break up toxic energy blocks within our physical and etheric bodies to launch the souls innate ability to heal our mind, body and spirit.
Angels Among USEach soul has a designated Guardian Angel who guards, guides and encourages us through life's journey. There are also millions of 'unemployed' Angels ready and willing to assist us in our daily lives and anxiously await our invitation to walk with us. Angels cannot interfere with our gift of Free Will therefore we must invite them into our lives. Angels are multi-dimensional beings working within God's white light and are able to assist countless humans at the same exact moment. Therefore, we should never hesitate to call in Angels for fear of 'keeping them from another who we may perceive is in greater need of their assistance'.